Shaikha Fatimah Barkatullah shares her wisdom with the young Muslimahs on why we can’t date before marriage in Islam. She starts by asking why do people want to date, explains the differences between dating and marriage, and why dating is more dangerous for girls than for boys. From:
Sheikh Abu taubah continues his explanation of “A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence.” by Sheikh Saleh Fawzan. The end of Chapter 6- Riba- (interest & usury), and Chapter 7 (Selling Assets)- are covered. ‘Eenah transactions, ruling of insurance if forced to purchase it, rulings of the sale of fences, trees, and other fixtures along with a house, short First Grade Fiqh review.
WHY PODCASTS? – TRY IT, YOU’LL LOVE IT! Podcasts automatically send new episodes to your phone when they are released. They can be listened to while your phone screen is locked, unlike YouTube. They can be enjoyed without internet access, unlike YouTube. They do not drain your battery like YouTube. They are not censored by Apple, Twitter, Facebook, or Google. They do not get interrupted by annoying YouTube ads.
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST – 3 EASY STEPS 1. Get a podcast app. Recommended apps: PodcastGuru (iOS) (Android). Fountain (iOS) (Android). Podverse (iOS) (Android). You can also find it on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, but those apps are not recommended. 2. Search for “Outlining FiQh” Find the podcast there. 3. Subscribe and listen inside the app.
Sheikh Abu taubah continues his explanation of “A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence.” by Sheikh Saleh Fawzan. Chapter 6- Riba- (interest & usury) is covered. Riba al-nasee’ah (Delay Usury), Riba al-FaDl (Excess Usury), and the benefits of giving goodly loans,
WHY PODCASTS? – TRY IT, YOU’LL LOVE IT! Podcasts automatically send new episodes to your phone when they are released. They can be listened to while your phone screen is locked, unlike YouTube. They can be enjoyed without internet access, unlike YouTube. They do not drain your battery like YouTube. They are not censored by Apple, Twitter, Facebook, or Google. They do not get interrupted by annoying YouTube ads.
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST – 3 EASY STEPS 1. Get a podcast app. Recommended apps: PodcastGuru (iOS) (Android). Fountain (iOS) (Android). Podverse (iOS) (Android). You can also find it on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, but those apps are not recommended. 2. Search for “Outlining FiQh” Find the podcast there. 3. Subscribe and listen inside the app.
Sheikh Abu taubah continues his explanation of “A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence.” by Sheikh Saleh Fawzan. Chapter 6- Riba- (interest & usury) is covered. Definition of riba, divine threats and punishments for riba, wisdom of prohibiting riba
WHY PODCASTS? – TRY IT, YOU’LL LOVE IT! Podcasts automatically send new episodes to your phone when they are released. They can be listened to while your phone screen is locked, unlike YouTube. They can be enjoyed without internet access, unlike YouTube. They do not drain your battery like YouTube. They are not censored by Apple, Twitter, Facebook, or Google. They do not get interrupted by annoying YouTube ads.
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST – 3 EASY STEPS 1. Get a podcast app. Recommended apps: PodcastGuru (iOS) (Android). Fountain (iOS) (Android). Podverse (iOS) (Android). You can also find it on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, but those apps are not recommended. 2. Search for “Outlining FiQh” Find the podcast there. 3. Subscribe and listen inside the app.